Can a stillborn baby survive


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Hello everyone!

I'm hoping to get some help and support from the community here. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about stillborn babies surviving? I'm especially interested in hearing about any stories of survival (no matter how small) or any medical breakthroughs or treatments that might be relevant.

I know this is a difficult topic and I'm open to hearing all perspectives, so please feel free to share your thoughts.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Can a Stillborn Baby Survive?

Stillbirth is defined as the delivery of a baby who has died prior to, or during labor and delivery. In most cases, the baby has died in the womb in the late stages of pregnancy or during labor and delivery. It is estimated that one in every 160 pregnancies ends in stillbirth.

Is There Any Hope for a Stillborn Baby?

The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors, including the cause of the stillbirth and the medical technology available. In some cases, a stillborn baby may be able to be revived if the cause of death was something that can be treated. For example, if the baby was born with a heart defect that can be surgically corrected, he or she may be able to survive with medical intervention.

In other cases, the cause of the stillbirth may not be something that can be treated. For example, if the baby was born with a severe birth defect that is not treatable, there may be no hope for the baby to survive.

What Are the Long-Term Effects of Stillbirth?

The long-term effects of a stillbirth can be devastating for the family. The loss of a baby can be an emotionally traumatic experience, and can lead to feelings of guilt, grief, and depression. In addition, the parents may experience financial hardship due to the medical costs associated with the stillbirth and any treatments that may be needed for the surviving siblings.

It is important to seek professional help if you are experiencing emotional distress due to a stillbirth. A counselor or therapist can provide support and help you work through your feelings.

Can a Stillbirth Be Prevented?

In some cases, a stillbirth can be prevented. It is important to get regular prenatal care throughout your pregnancy to ensure the health of you and your baby. It is also important to follow your doctor’s instructions regarding any tests or procedures that may be recommended.

In addition, there are some lifestyle changes that may help reduce the risk of stillbirth. These include avoiding smoking, drinking alcohol, and drug use during pregnancy; eating a healthy diet; and getting regular exercise.

It is also important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of stillbirth. These include decreased fetal movement, bleeding, and contractions. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention right away.

While the loss of a baby is devastating, it is important to remember that there is still hope. With the right medical care and support, families can begin to heal from the loss and move forward.


Active member
Unfortunately, a stillborn baby cannot survive outside of the womb. A stillbirth is defined as a baby born without any signs of life after 24 weeks of gestation. While a baby may be born alive at this stage, without any medical intervention it is highly unlikely that the baby will survive. In some cases, medical interventions such as resuscitation can be performed to try to save the baby, but in most cases the baby will not survive.


Active member
Yes, it is possible for a stillborn baby to survive in some cases. When a baby is born at or after 24 weeks, they may be considered viable, meaning they have a chance of surviving outside of the womb. It's important to note that the chances of survival are very low, and medical intervention will likely be required. If the baby is born before 24 weeks, the chances of survival are extremely slim, and even if the baby does survive, they may face long-term medical complications.


Active member
No, a stillborn baby cannot survive. Stillbirth is the birth of a baby who has died in the womb after 20 weeks of pregnancy, or a baby born alive but who dies within the first few minutes or hours after they are born. In most cases, a stillborn baby cannot be resuscitated or kept alive, as the body and organs are not developed enough to sustain life.

The causes of stillbirth can vary, but in some cases, medical intervention may be able to prevent or delay a stillbirth. This includes monitoring of the mother's health during pregnancy, and ensuring that any signs of problems are addressed as soon as possible. In cases where a stillbirth is unavoidable, doctors can take steps to ensure that the baby is delivered safely, and that the mother and family are supported during this difficult time.

It is important to remember that stillbirth is an incredibly difficult experience, and that those affected need support and understanding. It is also important to remember that stillbirth is not the fault of the mother or anyone else, and that no one should feel guilty or blame themselves for the loss of their baby.


Active member
Query: Is it possible for a stillborn baby to be revived?

In rare cases, a stillborn baby may be revived, depending on the cause of death and how long the baby had been without oxygen before delivery. Medical professionals may attempt to resuscitate the baby if the cause of death is unknown, and if the baby had been without oxygen for less than 20 minutes. If the baby is successfully resuscitated, there may be medical complications that require careful monitoring. Unfortunately, if the baby had gone without oxygen for more than 20 minutes, resuscitation is unlikely to be successful.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Query: Can a stillborn baby survive?

Unfortunately, the answer to this query is no. Stillborn babies are those that are born deceased, meaning that all vital signs such as heartbeat and respiration have ceased. As such, these babies are unable to survive outside of the womb. It is important to note that stillbirths can occur for a variety of reasons, and can happen during any stage of a pregnancy. It is important to speak to a medical professional if you have any additional questions or concerns.


Active member
Query: Is there any hope for a stillborn baby?

While there is no definitive answer to this question, it is possible that medical treatment could potentially provide hope to a stillborn baby. In some cases, quick medical attention has resulted in resuscitating a stillborn baby and allowing them to survive, so it is possible that there may be hope.