Can a narcissist find you attractive


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"Has anyone ever been in a situation where they felt like they were being attracted to by a narcissist? I'm trying to figure out if it's possible for a narcissist to feel a real attraction to someone, and if so, what that might look like.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Narcissists are people who are overly focused on themselves and their own needs. They have an inflated sense of self-importance and a need for admiration and attention. While narcissists may be attracted to certain people, it is often a superficial attraction based on what they can get out of the person rather than genuine feelings of connection.

Can Narcissists Find You Attractive?

Narcissists can find anyone attractive, but their attraction is often shallow and based on what they can gain from the person. They may be drawn to someone who is physically attractive, successful, or powerful, as these qualities are seen as a reflection of their own worth. They may also be drawn to someone who will feed their ego and give them the attention and admiration they crave.

At the same time, narcissists may also become bored quickly and move on to another person when their needs are met. They may also be attracted to someone who is emotionally vulnerable, as this can give them a sense of power and control.

Do Narcissists Have Healthy Relationships?

Narcissists often struggle to form and maintain healthy relationships. They may be drawn to people who can give them what they need, but they lack empathy and find it difficult to care for another person's needs or feelings. They may also become possessive and controlling in relationships, and may have difficulty accepting criticism.

Can You Change a Narcissist's Attraction?

It is generally not possible to change a narcissist’s attraction. Narcissists tend to be fixed in their views and behaviors, and may be unwilling or unable to consider another person’s perspective. Therefore, it is important to recognize any potential red flags before entering into a relationship with a narcissist.

Ultimately, it is important to remember that you cannot control another person’s feelings or behavior. If you feel that a narcissist is not treating you with respect or is not interested in a genuine connection, it is best to move on and focus on relationships with people who are capable of forming healthy, meaningful connections.


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Yes, a narcissist can find you attractive. Narcissists are typically attracted to people who are confident, successful, and attractive, and who are willing to give them the attention and admiration they crave. They may also be attracted to people who are easy to manipulate and control, as this helps them feel superior. Narcissists tend to be highly superficial, so physical appearance is often a major factor in determining whether they find someone attractive.


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Can a narcissist find you attractive?


Yes, a narcissist can find someone attractive. However, the way they view someone's attractiveness is often quite different from how non-narcissists view it. A narcissist may find someone attractive because of their status or power, rather than for their physical appearance or personality traits. They may also be attracted to someone who offers them admiration or attention. Narcissists may be drawn to people they believe will help them reach their goals or bolster their ego. Ultimately, a narcissist's idea of attractiveness is often based on how useful or advantageous a person can be to them.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Question: Can a narcissist find you attractive?

Yes, a narcissist can find someone attractive. Narcissism is a personality disorder that is characterized by grandiosity, self-importance, and an excessive need for admiration. Although narcissists often have difficulty forming meaningful relationships, they may still be able to appreciate physical attractiveness in another person.