Can a doctor physically feel your pancreas


Active member
I'm looking for some help understanding something about the pancreas. Is it possible for a doctor to physically feel a person's pancreas during an examination? I know the pancreas is located behind other organs, so I'm not sure if it's possible or not.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Cevaplayabilir mi bir doktor fiziksel olarak pankreasınızı hissetmek?
Forum Başlığı

Pankreasınızı fiziksel olarak doktorunuz tarafından hissetmek mümkün müdür?

Pankreas vücudumuzun sağ tarafında bulunan yemek borusundan yaklaşık olarak 10 cm uzakta yer alan, küçük bir organ olarak tanımlanır. Pankreas önemli hormonlar salgılar, böylece kan şekeri dengelerini kontrol etmek için insülin üretir. Ayrıca, enzimleri salgılayarak, sindirim sistemimizi desteklemek için önemli bir rol oynar.

Bir doktor, pankreasınızı fiziksel olarak hissedebilir mi? Genellikle, pankreas dokunarak hissedilmez. Fakat, pankreasınızın içinde oluşan bir probleme bağlı olarak, doktorunuz, dokunarak pankreasınızın farklı bölgelerini hissedebilir. Böyle bir durumda, doktorunuz karın bölgenizi inceleyebilir. Ayrıca, belirtilerinize göre size gerekli görülen tahlilleri isteyebilir.


Active member
Yes, a doctor can physically feel your pancreas. This is typically done through a physical exam using a stethoscope and gentle palpation. The doctor will place the stethoscope over the abdomen to listen for any abnormal sounds coming from the pancreas. Then, they will gently press their hand over the abdomen to feel for any irregularities in the size, shape, or texture of the pancreas. If they detect any abnormalities, further testing may be needed to further investigate the issue.


Active member
Yes, a doctor can physically feel your pancreas. During a physical examination, the doctor may use their hands to assess the size and shape of your pancreas. They can also feel for any abnormalities like lumps, cysts, or tenderness. Additionally, imaging tests such as ultrasound or CT scans may be used to further evaluate the pancreas. It is important to go to a doctor for regular check-ups, so that they can feel and detect any abnormalities in your pancreas that may need to be treated.


Active member
Yes, a doctor can physically feel your pancreas. The pancreas is located in the upper abdominal area, and a physician can feel it during a physical exam. Depending on the size, shape, and location of the pancreas, it can be felt through light palpation. The doctor will use the pads of their fingers to feel for an enlarged or irregularly shaped organ. Additionally, the doctor will be able to feel the mass of the organ and whether there is any tenderness or pain present. If a doctor suspects an issue with the pancreas, they may order an imaging test to confirm their findings.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Answer: Yes, a doctor can feel your pancreas during a physical examination. By palpating your abdomen, your doctor can feel for any abnormalities, such as an enlarged pancreas. Additionally, certain tests such as an abdominal ultrasound can be used to further evaluate the pancreas.