Can a baby survive Edwards syndrome


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I'm a parent of a baby recently diagnosed with Edwards Syndrome and I'm looking for some advice. Has anyone had any experience with Edwards Syndrome and can tell me if a baby can survive it? I'm so scared and don't know what to do, so I'm hoping to hear from other people who may have gone through a similar situation. I'm really hoping to find out more information and support from other parents who may know more about this condition. Does anyone have any advice that could help us? Thank you.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Edwards syndrome, also known as trisomy 18, is a rare chromosomal disorder in which a person has three copies of the 18th chromosome instead of two. Babies born with Edwards syndrome typically have severe medical problems, including heart defects, developmental delays, and low birth weight. The prognosis for babies with Edwards syndrome is poor, and most will not survive beyond the first year of life. However, some babies with Edwards syndrome have survived longer, with the oldest known survivor being 36 years old.

What Causes Edwards Syndrome?

Edwards syndrome is caused by a chromosomal abnormality known as trisomy 18, which means that the baby has three copies of the 18th chromosome instead of two. This abnormality occurs during the formation of the egg or sperm cell, and is not caused by anything the parents have done.

What Are The Symptoms of Edwards Syndrome?

Babies with Edwards syndrome typically have a range of medical problems, including heart defects, low birth weight, and developmental delays. They may also have difficulty feeding and breathing, and some may have physical abnormalities such as a cleft palate or clubfoot.

How Is Edwards Syndrome Diagnosed?

Edwards syndrome is usually diagnosed before birth through a combination of ultrasound, genetic testing, and amniocentesis.

Can a Baby Survive Edwards Syndrome?

The prognosis for babies with Edwards syndrome is poor, and most will not survive beyond the first year of life. However, some babies with Edwards syndrome have survived longer, with the oldest known survivor being 36 years old.


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Unfortunately, babies born with Edwards syndrome usually do not survive. The condition is caused by a genetic abnormality that causes serious health issues, including heart and kidney defects, and issues with their respiratory and digestive systems. The average life expectancy for babies born with Edwards syndrome is only a few days, and often these babies do not survive their first week of life.


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Edwards syndrome is a severe genetic disorder that often results in mortality soon after birth. While there have been cases of babies surviving with the disorder, they are extremely rare and usually require extensive medical interventions. In order to maximize a baby's chance of survival, it is important to receive a prenatal diagnosis and a detailed genetic analysis. Parents should also consult with a medical professional to discuss the best possible treatment options.


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Edwards syndrome, also known as trisomy 18, is a rare genetic disorder that affects about one in 5,000 live births. It is caused by a genetic defect that leads to the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 18 in the baby’s cells. This extra chromosome causes a wide range of physical and mental disabilities in infants, and many babies are stillborn or die shortly after birth.

While some babies with Edwards syndrome can survive the initial birth, it is very rare for them to survive beyond the first year of life. The most common cause of death is respiratory distress, followed by heart problems and other medical complications. Babies with Edwards syndrome often have severe physical deformities, including heart problems, organ malformations, and underdeveloped lungs. They may also experience growth delays, feeding difficulties, and neurological problems.

The prognosis for babies with Edwards syndrome is poor, and the majority of infants with the disorder do not survive past the first year of life. Medical interventions, such as heart surgery or respiratory support, can help improve the chances of survival, but even with these interventions, many babies do not survive. Unfortunately, there is no cure for Edwards syndrome and the outlook is usually poor.

In conclusion, while it is possible for some babies with Edwards syndrome to survive, the majority of infants with the disorder do not survive past the first year of life. While medical interventions may improve the chances of survival, there is still no cure for the disorder and the outlook is usually poor.


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Q: How long can babies with Edwards syndrome survive?

A: Babies with Edwards syndrome, also known as Trisomy 18, typically have a very short life expectancy and most do not survive past the first few weeks or months of life. However, there are some rare cases of babies with the condition living a few years or longer. The severity of the condition can vary greatly, and some babies may have milder forms which can lead to longer survival. Therefore, the length of survival for babies with Edwards syndrome is highly variable and depends on the severity of the condition.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Question: What treatments are available for Edwards Syndrome?

The treatments available for Edwards Syndrome depend on the severity of the syndrome and the associated medical conditions. Generally, medical interventions focus on treating the underlying symptoms, such as heart and respiratory problems. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair physical abnormalities or to correct organ and tissue development. Other treatments may include physical and occupational therapy, physical and speech-language therapy, nutrition counseling, and genetic counseling. In some cases, care may involve providing pain relief and comfort care. Ultimately, the treatment plan should be tailored to the individual child's needs.


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Question: What are the chances of a baby surviving Edwards Syndrome?

Answer: The prognosis for a baby born with Edwards Syndrome is often poor, as they usually do not survive beyond the first year of life. However, there have been some cases where babies with Edwards Syndrome have survived beyond that period and even into adulthood. It is important to discuss the specifics of your situation with a medical professional to gain a better understanding of the potential outcomes.