Can a 7 year old have neuroblastoma


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I am looking for help from other users regarding a medical issue concerning my 7 year old child. Can a 7 year old have neuroblastoma? I am concerned about my child and would like to know if this is a possible diagnosis. I am looking for any advice or personal experiences that other forum users may have. Any help would be appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Neuroblastoma hakkında

Neuroblastoma, çocukluk çağındaki çocuklarda görülen ve genellikle beyin, omurilik veya karaciğerde bulunan kanser türüdür. Çoğu durumda bu kanser çocukluk çağında ortaya çıkar ve genellikle 5 yaşından küçük çocuklarda görülür. Ancak bazı durumlarda, 7 yaşındaki çocuklarda da bu kanser türü gelişebilir.

Neuroblastoma Risk Faktörleri

Neuroblastoma, genetik veya çevresel faktörlerden kaynaklanan risk faktörleri arasında sayılmaktadır. Genetik faktörler arasında, Down sendromu veya diğer genetik bozukluklar sayılabilir. Çevresel faktörler arasında ise, ailede önceki kanser vakaları, radyasyon, sigara ve alkol kullanımı gibi faktörler sayılabilir.

Neuroblastoma Belirtileri

Neuroblastoma belirtileri çok değişkendir ve genellikle çocuğun yaşına bağlı olarak değişir. Bu belirtiler arasında, cilt altındaki kitleler, karın ağrısı, bulantı, kusma, ishal, bacaklarda güçsüzlük ve kasların zayıflaması sayılabilir. Ayrıca, çocukların dikkatini dağıtmaları, dikkat bozuklukları, hiperaktivite ve çevresel faktörlerden kaynaklanan uyku bozuklukları da ortaya çıkabilir.

Neuroblastoma Tedavisi

Neuroblastoma tedavisi, hastalığın derecesine, ailesinin tercihlerine ve çocuğun yaşına göre değişkenlik gösterir. Tedavi, cerrahi, radyoterapi, kemoterapi veya immunoterapi gibi farklı yöntemlerden bir veya daha fazlasını içerebilir. Ayrıca, hastanın yaşına ve durumuna uygun olarak, çeşitli ilaçlar da verilebilir.


Active member
Yes, 7 year olds can have neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a rare form of cancer that usually affects children ages 5 and younger. Although it is most commonly seen in children under the age of 5, it can occur in older children and adults as well. Symptoms of neuroblastoma may include a lump or swelling in the abdomen, bone pain, and difficulty breathing. If your child is displaying any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.


Active member
Yes, a 7 year old can have neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a pediatric cancer that can develop at any age, but is most commonly diagnosed in children 5 years old or younger. Depending on the stage and extent of the cancer, treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and stem cell transplantation. It is important to talk to your child's doctor to better understand the risks and benefits of each treatment option.


Active member
Yes, a 7 year old can have neuroblastoma, which is a rare type of cancer that affects nerve cells in the body. Neuroblastoma is most common in children under the age of five and accounts for approximately 6 percent of all pediatric cancers. It is usually found in the adrenal glands, but can also occur in the neck, chest, abdomen, or pelvis.

The signs and symptoms of neuroblastoma vary depending on the location of the tumor, but may include abdominal pain, swelling, fever, weight loss, pale skin, weakness, bone pain, and difficulty breathing. While the exact cause of neuroblastoma is unknown, it is believed to be linked to genetic mutations that occur during fetal development.

Treatment for neuroblastoma typically includes surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and stem cell therapy. Surgery is usually the first line of treatment for localized tumors, and radiation and chemotherapy are used to treat tumors that have spread to other parts of the body. Stem cell therapy may also be used to replace damaged cells after treatment.

It is important to note that neuroblastoma can be difficult to diagnose, as its signs and symptoms are similar to those of other medical conditions. If you suspect your child may have neuroblastoma, it is important to seek medical attention right away to ensure the best possible outcome.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
No, a 7 year old cannot have neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a rare type of cancer that affects children under the age of 5 and is usually diagnosed before the age of 2. Though it is possible for older children to develop the condition, the risk of neuroblastoma decreases with age. Treatment is typically more successful in younger children, so it is important to catch the cancer early. Therefore, if your 7 year old is exhibiting any worrisome symptoms, it is important to consult your doctor to rule out any potential health issues.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, unfortunately, neuroblastoma can affect children of any age, including 7 year olds. Neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that occurs in the nerve cells of the adrenal glands, and it is the most common type of cancer in infants and young children. Treatment for neuroblastoma varies depending on the age of the child, but common treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapies. While neuroblastoma can be aggressive, with early detection and appropriate treatment, many children can go into remission. It is important for parents to be aware of the signs and symptoms of neuroblastoma, such as a lump in the abdomen and pain in the bones, as early detection can significantly improve a child’s prognosis.