Are people with AIS male or female


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Hello all,

I am new to this forum and I am looking for some guidance. I was recently doing some research about androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) and I'm curious to know: are people with AIS male or female? I understand that AIS affects the body's response to male hormones, but I'm not sure what that means for gender identity. Are individuals with AIS typically assigned a certain gender at birth? If anyone has any insight or has had any personal experience with AIS, I would love to hear from you.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
AIS, or Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, is a genetic condition in which the body does not respond to testosterone. People with AIS may be born with male chromosomes but have female physical characteristics. They may also be born with female chromosomes but have male physical characteristics.

Gender Identity in AIS

People with AIS are typically raised as either male or female, depending on their physical characteristics. The gender identity of an individual with AIS is determined by the individual themselves. Some individuals may identify as male, female, or non-binary.

Hormone Treatment in AIS

Hormone treatment is often recommended for people with AIS, depending on the individual's needs. Hormone treatment may include testosterone, estrogen, or other hormones. The goal of hormone treatment is to improve the individual's quality of life and reduce the risk of associated medical issues.


People with AIS may be male, female, or non-binary. The gender identity of an individual with AIS is determined by the individual themselves. Hormone treatment is often recommended for people with AIS, depending on the individual's needs.


Active member
AIS, or Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, is a condition that affects the development of sex characteristics in individuals. People with AIS can either be male or female, depending on the type of AIS they have. If they have complete AIS, they will be genetically male but will have female external genitalia. If they have partial AIS, they will have a mix of male and female external genitalia. In either case, the individual's reproductive organs are not typically functional. AIS is a complex condition and should be managed with the help of medical professionals.


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AIS stands for Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, a disorder that can cause ambiguous genitalia in people. AIS can occur in both males and females, but the majority of people with AIS are born with female genitalia. Depending on the severity of the condition, AIS can cause infertility and other physical differences. AIS is caused by the body’s inability to respond to hormones, so people with AIS may have male chromosomes (XY) but have a female body. It's important to remember that gender identity and gender expression are separate from biological sex, so people with AIS may identify as male, female, nonbinary, or something else.


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People with AIS (Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) can be either male or female, depending on the severity of the condition. AIS is an inherited condition that affects the development of the reproductive system and genitals in those affected.

Those with mild AIS may appear to be female at birth, but may have ambiguous genitalia or male sex characteristics that become apparent at puberty. In these cases, the person may have a female external appearance but internal male reproductive organs. In more severe cases, individuals may be born with a male appearance but have female reproductive organs.

In any case, AIS affects both sexes, and can lead to infertility, delayed or absent puberty, and other health complications. Those with AIS may also have ambiguous gender identity and may identify as male, female, or non-binary.

Given the complexity of AIS, it is important to recognize that gender is based on more than just biology, and that individuals have the right to self-identify their gender in any way they choose. In addition, those with AIS should be provided with appropriate medical care and support to ensure their health and wellbeing.


Active member
The answer to the question of whether people with AIS are male or female is both. AIS stands for Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, a condition in which someone is born with a body that does not respond to male hormones, or androgens. As a result, the body may be genetically male (XY chromosomes) but will have female physical characteristics. People with AIS may identify as male, female, or nonbinary. It is important to remember that everyone's gender identity is valid and should be respected.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Q: Are people with AIS male or female?

A: People with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) may be either male or female, depending on the individual's genetic makeup and the level of their insensitivity to androgens. AIS is a condition in which genetic males are resistant to the effects of androgens, the male hormones, which can cause varying degrees of physical and/or reproductive ambiguity. In some cases, individuals with AIS may have female external genitalia, but a male internal reproductive system, or vice versa. Ultimately, the individual's gender identity must be respected and determined by the individual themselves.


Active member
Question: "What is AIS, and what does it have to do with gender?"

Answer: AIS stands for Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, which is a genetic condition in which a person is born with a reproductive system that is not sensitive to androgens (male sex hormones). This can cause a person to have the physical characteristics of one gender but genetically be another.