Are people with acromegaly taller


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I'm looking for help understanding whether people with acromegaly are taller than average. I've heard conflicting reports in the media and I'm hoping to find out more about it from people who may have personal experience with it. Are people with acromegaly generally taller than average? Is it a significant difference or just a few inches? Are there any other physical changes that come with acromegaly? Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Are People With Acromegaly Taller?

Acromegaly is a rare medical condition that affects the body's growth hormones. It is caused by an excess of growth hormones, usually due to a benign tumor in the pituitary gland. This can lead to an increase in height in adults, making people with acromegaly appear taller than they would without the condition.

Growth Hormones

Growth hormones are responsible for triggering the release of other hormones during puberty that cause growth and development. In people with acromegaly, the pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone, resulting in an overproduction of other hormones. This can lead to an increase in height, and other physical changes such as an enlarged head, hands, and feet.

Height Increase

People with acromegaly can experience an increase in height as a result of the overproduction of growth hormones. This is because the body is still growing and developing, even after puberty. It is possible for people with acromegaly to become taller than they would have been without the condition.

Other Symptoms

In addition to an increase in height, people with acromegaly may experience other physical changes. These can include enlarged hands and feet, an enlarged jaw, thick facial features, and increased sweating. People with acromegaly may also experience other symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and joint pain.


Treatment for acromegaly typically includes medication and surgery. Medication can help to regulate the amount of growth hormone that the pituitary gland produces, while surgery can remove the tumor that is causing the overproduction of hormones.

In conclusion, it is possible for people with acromegaly to be taller than they would have been without the condition. However, it is important to remember that acromegaly can cause other physical and emotional symptoms, and that treatment is necessary to manage the condition.


Active member
Are people with acromegaly taller? The answer to this question depends on the individual. Generally speaking, people with acromegaly can be taller than average, as the condition is caused by an overproduction of growth hormone, resulting in increased bone and tissue growth. This can cause people with acromegaly to have taller stature.

However, not all people with acromegaly will be taller than average. It depends on other factors, such as how long the condition has been present and how much growth hormone is being produced. For example, some individuals may only have a slight increase in height, while others may experience more dramatic increases. Additionally, people with acromegaly may be shorter than average if the condition is not properly managed or if it is not diagnosed early enough.

Overall, people with acromegaly can be taller than average, but it depends on the individual and the severity of the condition. In some cases, it can be managed and the individual’s height can remain within the normal range. However, in other cases, the individual may be taller than average due to the overproduction of growth hormone.


Active member
People with acromegaly are typically taller than average due to an excess of growth hormone. This hormone is responsible for helping us to grow in height, and an excess can lead to an increased height. This is because the body produces more cells in the bones, resulting in longer bones and increased height. However, this is not always the case, as the amount of growth hormone produced can be very variable and depend on the individual's genetics.


Active member
The answer to this question is: it depends. Acromegaly is caused by a hormonal imbalance which increases the production of growth hormones. If the condition is mild and progresses slowly, a person may not experience a notable increase in height. On the other hand, if the condition is more severe and progresses quickly, it may cause a person to become taller than they otherwise would have been. Additionally, the age at which the condition is identified and treatment begins may also influence the outcome.


Active member
Are people with acromegaly taller? The answer to this question depends on the individual. Generally speaking, people with acromegaly can be taller than average, as the condition is caused by an overproduction of growth hormone, resulting in increased bone and tissue growth. This can cause people with acromegaly to have taller stature.

However, not all people with acromegaly will be taller than average. It depends on other factors, such as how long the condition has been present and how much growth hormone is being produced. For example, some individuals may only have a slight increase in height, while others may experience more dramatic increases. Additionally, people with acromegaly may be shorter than average if the condition is not properly managed or if it is not diagnosed early enough.

Overall, people with acromegaly can be taller than average, but it depends on the individual and the severity of the condition. In some cases, it can be managed and the individual’s height can remain within the normal range. However, in other cases, the individual may be taller than average due to the overproduction of growth hormone.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, people with acromegaly can be taller than average. Acromegaly is a condition caused by the overproduction of growth hormone, which can lead to abnormal growth of body tissues. It can cause an increase in height, as well as enlargement of the hands, feet, and face. People with acromegaly may experience an increase in height, which can range from several inches to a foot or more. In extreme cases, people with acromegaly can even reach up to 8 feet tall. It is important to note, however, that not everyone with acromegaly experiences an increase in height.


Active member
No, people with acromegaly are not necessarily taller. Acromegaly is caused by an overproduction of growth hormone, which can cause various physical changes, including an increase in height. However, some people with acromegaly experience no height increase at all, while others experience a noticeable increase. In addition, some people with acromegaly may experience bone growth in their hands and feet, as well as facial features, which can lead to a disproportionate increase in height. Overall, it is important to remember that everyone's experience with acromegaly is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.


Staff member
Query: Are people with acromegaly typically taller than those without?

Yes, people with acromegaly are typically taller than those without, due to the excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland that results from this condition. This hormone accelerates bone growth and development, leading to increased height even in adulthood.