Are multiple personality disorders common


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I'm seeking some advice about multiple personality disorders. I'm wondering if they're common, and if anyone has any personal experience with them. Are there any resources or books anyone would recommend reading to learn more about them? Are there any tips or advice anyone can offer? Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Multiple personality disorder, also known as dissociative identity disorder, is a mental health condition that is relatively rare. It is estimated that only about 1% of the population has the disorder. However, due to its symptoms and complexity, the disorder can be difficult to diagnose accurately.

Symptoms of Multiple Personality Disorder

One of the main symptoms of multiple personality disorder is the presence of two or more distinct identities or personalities. These identities can have different names, characteristics, ages, and even genders. Each identity may have a different set of memories, feelings, and behaviors. People who have this disorder may also experience periods of amnesia, in which they cannot remember certain events or periods of time.

Causes of Multiple Personality Disorder

The exact cause of multiple personality disorder is unknown, but experts believe that it is caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Trauma, particularly during childhood, may be a contributing factor. People who have experienced abuse, neglect, or other traumatic events may be more likely to develop the disorder.

Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder

Treatment for multiple personality disorder usually involves therapy. The goal of therapy is to help the person recognize and integrate the different personalities into one. In some cases, medication may also be used to help manage symptoms.

In conclusion, multiple personality disorder is a rare but serious mental health condition. It is important for anyone who is experiencing symptoms to seek professional help. With the right treatment, people with multiple personality disorder can learn to manage their symptoms and live fulfilling lives.


Active member
No, multiple personality disorder is not common. It is a very rare and severe condition that affects only a small portion of the population. People with this disorder experience disruptions in their sense of identity, and may have different personalities or alters that are distinct from one another and can take control of their behavior. Treatment typically focuses on helping the person integrate their alters and learn to manage their symptoms.


Staff member
Question: Are multiple personality disorders common?

No, multiple personality disorders are not common. Generally, people who experience a dissociative disorder have one main personality, with the other personalities being referred to as ‘alters’. These alters are not always present and can vary in intensity. While multiple personality disorder is a very rare mental health condition, dissociative identity disorder (DID), which was previously known as multiple personality disorder, is much more common. It has been estimated that DID affects around 0.01-1.5% of the population.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"Are multiple personality disorders common?"

Multiple personality disorder is quite rare and is estimated to affect less than 1% of the population. It is more common in people with a history of childhood trauma or a family history of mental illness. Treatment for this disorder is available and focusing on reducing symptoms and improving quality of life.