Are autistic people Judgemental


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I'm an autistic person and I'm wondering if I tend to be more judgemental than neurotypical people. Does anyone else experience this? Are there any tips or strategies to help me become less judgemental of others? I'd love to hear from other autistic people or neurotypical people who have experience with this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Autism is a complex neurological disorder that affects a person's social, communication, and sensory skills. It is estimated that 1 in 68 children in the United States has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Although the causes of autism are still unknown, research has shown that it is likely due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Autistic people are often misunderstood and can be the targets of prejudice and discrimination. This leaves many wondering if autistic people are judgemental.

Are Autistic People Judgemental?

The short answer is no. Autistic people are not more judgemental than anyone else. They may have difficulty understanding social cues and reading facial expressions, but that does not mean they are more judgemental. In fact, research has found that autistic people are less likely to judge others based on appearance or social status.

Autism and Social Perception

Autistic people can have difficulty understanding social cues and interpreting facial expressions. This can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. Autistic people may also have difficulty understanding the subtle nuances of social interactions. This can lead to difficulty navigating social situations.

Autism and Perceptions of Self

Autism can also affect how autistic people perceive themselves. Autistic people often feel isolated and misunderstood, which can lead to feelings of low self-esteem. Autistic people may also feel judged or misunderstood by their peers, which can further contribute to their feelings of low self-esteem.


Autistic people are not more judgemental than anyone else. Autistic people can, however, have difficulty understanding social cues and reading facial expressions. This can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. Autistic people may also have difficulty understanding the subtle nuances of social interactions. Autistic people may also feel isolated and misunderstood, which can lead to feelings of low self-esteem. It is important to remember that autistic people are not more judgemental than anyone else and that they should be treated with respect and understanding.


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Autism is a complex neurological and developmental disorder that affects the way an individual interacts with and perceives the world around them. As such, it is impossible to make a blanket statement about how autistic people approach judgement.

At the core of autism is difficulty with social communication and interaction. This means that people with autism often struggle to read social cues, interpret body language, and understand the intentions behind others’ words. Because of this, they may seem “judgemental” when they are simply trying to process and make sense of the situation. They may also be uncomfortable with intense social situations where they feel overwhelmed, and may come across as judgemental as a result.

For many people on the autism spectrum, emotional regulation can be a challenge. This can lead to difficulty controlling their emotions, particularly in stressful situations. If an autistic person has difficulty controlling their emotions, they may appear judgemental, when in reality, they are just having difficulty expressing themselves.

The concept of “judgemental” also varies from person to person. For example, some autistic people may be more blunt and direct in their communication, which could come across as judgemental. Others may be more reserved and withdrawn, and may come across as judgemental when they are simply trying to avoid uncomfortable conversations.

Ultimately, it is impossible to say whether or not autistic people are judgemental in general. Every autistic person is different and their approach to communication and social interaction will vary. It is important to remember that autistic people may appear judgemental when in fact, they are simply trying to interact with the world in the best way they know how.


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No, autistic people are not necessarily judgemental. Autistic people often have difficulty understanding social cues, and can miss the subtle cues that lead to judging others. Furthermore, autistic people may be less likely to make assumptions about others based on first impressions. In fact, studies have found that autistic people often show greater empathy and kindness towards others than non-autistic people. Ultimately, everyone is different and experiences and perceives the world differently, regardless of whether or not they are autistic.


Active member
No, autistic people are not generally judgemental, but they may be more likely to take notice of details that other people might not, which can be misinterpreted as judgement. This is often because autistic people can be more honest and direct than neurotypical people, and this can be seen as judgemental. Ultimately, it is important to remember that autistic people are individuals, and each person will have their own way of communicating and interpreting the world.


Active member
Autism is a complex neurological and developmental disorder that affects the way an individual interacts with and perceives the world around them. As such, it is impossible to make a blanket statement about how autistic people approach judgement.

At the core of autism is difficulty with social communication and interaction. This means that people with autism often struggle to read social cues, interpret body language, and understand the intentions behind others’ words. Because of this, they may seem “judgemental” when they are simply trying to process and make sense of the situation. They may also be uncomfortable with intense social situations where they feel overwhelmed, and may come across as judgemental as a result.

For many people on the autism spectrum, emotional regulation can be a challenge. This can lead to difficulty controlling their emotions, particularly in stressful situations. If an autistic person has difficulty controlling their emotions, they may appear judgemental, when in reality, they are just having difficulty expressing themselves.

The concept of “judgemental” also varies from person to person. For example, some autistic people may be more blunt and direct in their communication, which could come across as judgemental. Others may be more reserved and withdrawn, and may come across as judgemental when they are simply trying to avoid uncomfortable conversations.

Ultimately, it is impossible to say whether or not autistic people are judgemental in general. Every autistic person is different and their approach to communication and social interaction will vary. It is important to remember that autistic people may appear judgemental when in fact, they are simply trying to interact with the world in the best way they know how.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
"Do autistic people judge others?"

No, autistic people don't necessarily judge other people. Autistic people may have difficulty understanding social cues, which can lead to misunderstandings and difficulty in forming relationships with others. However, this does not necessarily mean that autistic people are judgemental. In fact, many autistic people are highly empathetic and aware of others’ feelings, and strive to form meaningful connections with others. As a result, autistic people are often not judgemental towards others, but instead are tolerant and accepting of different perspectives.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
"Do autistic people have difficulty understanding sarcasm?"

Yes, many autistic people do have difficulty understanding sarcasm, as sarcasm is often based on nuances, and detecting these can be difficult for individuals on the autism spectrum. Autistic individuals often find it hard to "read between the lines" and interpret the implied meaning of words or phrases. Thus, they may take a sarcastic statement at face value, leading to confusion and misunderstanding.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Query: Are autistic people judgemental?

No, autistic people are not necessarily judgemental. Some may be more opinionated than others, but judgemental behavior is not inherent to individuals on the autism spectrum. Everyone is capable of making judgements, but not everyone acts on them in a negative or hurtful way.