Yes, adults with ADHD can have higher intelligence. This is due to the fact that ADHD is associated with enhanced creativity, enhanced problem-solving skills, increased mental agility, and the potential to think outside of the box. In addition, adults with ADHD often have a heightened ability to multitask and can make quick decisions.
People with ADHD tend to be highly motivated, have a great deal of energy, and have a strong drive to succeed. They are often more creative than their peers, allowing them to come up with innovative solutions to problems. This, combined with the fact that they are able to think quickly and process information rapidly, can give them an advantage in their work and academic life.
Studies have also found that adults with ADHD have higher levels of intelligence than those without ADHD. This is because ADHD is associated with enhanced intelligence, particularly in the areas of verbal skills, logical thinking, and visual-spatial ability. Additionally, those with ADHD often have a higher capacity for learning and can absorb new information quickly.
All of these factors can lead to higher intelligence levels in adults with ADHD. People with ADHD have the potential to achieve great success in their academic and professional lives, as long as they are given the opportunity to do so. With the right support and understanding, adults with ADHD can reach their full potential and lead fulfilling and successful lives.