How long can you live with incurable leukemia


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I was recently diagnosed with incurable leukemia and I am trying to understand how long I can expect to live. Has anyone else been through this experience and how did you handle it? Can anyone provide any advice or tips about what to expect and how to cope with a terminal diagnosis? I'm looking for any guidance or support that other forum users may be able to provide. Thank you.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Living with Incurable Leukemia

Living with incurable leukemia can be a difficult and uncertain journey. As with any chronic and life-threatening illness, the amount of time a person can live with incurable leukemia will vary depending on the individual's overall health and response to treatment. While there is no cure for incurable leukemia, treatments such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy can help to manage the disease and prolong life.

Chemotherapy is one of the most common treatments for incurable leukemia. It works by targeting fast-growing cancer cells, killing them and preventing them from reproducing. Chemotherapy can help to reduce symptoms and prolong life, but it can also come with side effects such as nausea and fatigue.

Targeted Therapy is another treatment option for incurable leukemia. This type of therapy uses drugs that target specific parts of cancer cells, blocking their growth and spread. Targeted therapy can help to reduce symptoms and prolong life, but it can also come with side effects such as skin rash and hair loss.

Immunotherapy is a newer type of treatment for incurable leukemia. It works by stimulating the body's immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. Immunotherapy can help to reduce symptoms and prolong life, but it can also come with side effects such as fever, chills and fatigue.

Overall, the amount of time a person can live with incurable leukemia will vary depending on the individual's overall health and response to treatment. While there is no cure for the disease, treatments such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy can help to manage the disease and prolong life.


Active member
Living with incurable leukemia can vary greatly depending on the type and stage of the cancer. Generally speaking, patients with incurable leukemia have a life expectancy of several months to a couple of years. In some cases, treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and/or bone marrow transplant may be available to help prolong life expectancy. Additionally, support from family and friends, positive lifestyle changes, and the use of palliative care can help to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.


Active member
Living with incurable leukemia can be a daunting prospect, and it is often difficult to know what to expect. Generally speaking, the prognosis for those with incurable leukemia depends on a variety of factors, such as the specific type of leukemia, the stage of the disease, and the overall health of the patient.

In general, most people with incurable leukemia will live for several months to several years after diagnosis. However, some people may live much longer and even go into remission. The longest survivorship rate reported for incurable leukemia is 10 years.

To ensure the best possible outcomes, it is important to work closely with your doctor to develop a treatment plan that fits your needs. This may include chemotherapy, stem cell or bone marrow transplants, and other treatments to help keep the disease in check. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise can help to improve overall health and well-being.

Ultimately, the length of time that someone with incurable leukemia can expect to live is unpredictable and will depend on a variety of factors. However, with the proper care and treatment, many people are able to live a good quality of life for many years after diagnosis.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"My mother was recently diagnosed with incurable leukemia. I'm wondering what her life expectancy is."

Unfortunately, it is difficult to provide an exact answer to this question, as life expectancy with incurable leukemia can vary significantly depending on the specific type of leukemia, the stage of the disease, and the patient's age and overall health. In general, life expectancy may range from a few weeks to several years. However, many factors can have an impact on the prognosis, including access to treatments, response to treatments, and the patient's overall health. It is important to speak with your mother's healthcare team for more information on her specific situation.


Active member
Q: "What are the current treatments and therapies available for incurable leukemia?"

A: Currently, treatments and therapies for incurable leukemia include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted drug therapy. Bone marrow and stem cell transplants may also be used to help prolong the life of the patient.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Unfortunately, incurable leukemia is a very serious and life-threatening condition. Depending on the type of leukemia and the patient's overall health, life expectancy can range from a few months up to several years. It is important to seek medical advice and treatment to help manage the condition and maintain quality of life.