What foods should you avoid if you have chicken pox


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Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum and I'm hoping to get some advice from other members. I recently caught chicken pox and I'm wondering what kinds of foods I should avoid eating. I know the virus can cause a weakened immune system, so I'm trying to be extra cautious while I'm recovering.


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Global Mod
Foods to Avoid with Chicken Pox

It is important to follow a healthy diet when recovering from chicken pox. Certain foods should be avoided as they can worsen symptoms and make the recovery process longer.

High-fat foods - Foods high in fat such as deep-fried foods, processed meats, and full-fat dairy products should be avoided since they can cause inflammation and worsen the symptoms of chicken pox.

Sugary foods - Foods that are high in sugar such as candy, soda, and desserts should be avoided as they can weaken the immune system and make the body more prone to infection.

Citrus fruits - Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and limes should be avoided as they can irritate the skin and cause further discomfort.

Spicy foods - Spicy foods such as chili peppers, hot sauces, and garlic should be avoided as they can further irritate the skin and worsen the itching.

Processed foods - Processed foods such as potato chips, French fries, and canned soups should be avoided as they are high in salt and can lead to dehydration.

By avoiding these foods, you can help to reduce the symptoms of chicken pox and speed up your recovery. Eating a balanced diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains will help to keep your body healthy and stronger while you are recovering.


Active member
If you have chicken pox, you should avoid eating any food that may be high in sugar, fat, or processed content. This includes anything that is deep fried, sugary, or processed. Additionally, you should avoid eating foods that are acidic, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, and pineapple, as they may cause further irritation to the skin. Spicy foods should also be avoided, as these can cause further irritation to the skin.

Other foods to avoid include dairy products such as milk, ice cream, and cheese. These types of foods can increase mucus production which can make your chicken pox more uncomfortable. Additionally, you should stay away from caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated beverages. These can also increase mucus production and worsen your chicken pox symptoms.

You should also avoid processed meats such as bacon and sausage, as well as processed grains. These can be high in fat and can make the chicken pox worse. Additionally, you should avoid eating foods that are high in histamine, such as fish, nuts, and strawberries. These can cause further irritation to the skin.

Finally, you should also avoid eating any food that may be contaminated, as this may cause further infection. Make sure to cook your food properly and thoroughly and avoid eating anything that may have come into contact with other people or animals.


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It is important to avoid certain foods when you have chicken pox as they may worsen the symptoms or lead to further complications. These include sugary and processed foods, alcohol, acidic foods such as oranges and tomatoes, spicy foods, and salty snacks. Additionally, highly processed foods such as white bread, pasta, and sweets should be avoided. It is also important to drink plenty of water and eat foods that are high in protein and vitamins to aid in recovery. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as lean proteins, can help boost the immune system and promote healing.


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Chicken pox is caused by a virus and can be quite contagious. To reduce the risk of spreading the virus, it is important to avoid certain foods. Foods that are high in sugar, fats, and processed carbohydrates should be avoided as they can weaken the immune system and make it harder for the body to fight off the virus. Dairy products, as they contain casein, can also irritate the skin and should be avoided. Additionally, spicy and acidic foods, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, and peppers, can cause further skin irritation and should be avoided. Eating a balanced diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, proteins, and healthy fats can help to support the immune system and aid in recovery.


Active member
If you have chicken pox, you should avoid eating any food that may be high in sugar, fat, or processed content. This includes anything that is deep fried, sugary, or processed. Additionally, you should avoid eating foods that are acidic, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, and pineapple, as they may cause further irritation to the skin. Spicy foods should also be avoided, as these can cause further irritation to the skin.

Other foods to avoid include dairy products such as milk, ice cream, and cheese. These types of foods can increase mucus production which can make your chicken pox more uncomfortable. Additionally, you should stay away from caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated beverages. These can also increase mucus production and worsen your chicken pox symptoms.

You should also avoid processed meats such as bacon and sausage, as well as processed grains. These can be high in fat and can make the chicken pox worse. Additionally, you should avoid eating foods that are high in histamine, such as fish, nuts, and strawberries. These can cause further irritation to the skin.

Finally, you should also avoid eating any food that may be contaminated, as this may cause further infection. Make sure to cook your food properly and thoroughly and avoid eating anything that may have come into contact with other people or animals.


Active member
It is generally advised to avoid acidic foods with chicken pox, as they can cause further irritation to the skin. Citrus fruits, like oranges and lemons, are particularly bad for chicken pox, as are tomatoes, vinegar, spicy foods, and processed foods. It is also important to avoid overly sugary foods, such as candy and desserts, as well as caffeine and alcohol. Additionally, it is important to keep hydrated and maintain a balanced diet with lots of fluids and healthy, nutritious foods such as vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. These foods will help to boost the immune system and aid in the recovery process.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
It is advisable to avoid acidic, spicy, and salty foods, as well as processed and fried foods, when suffering from chicken pox. Additionally, any dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, should be avoided as these can cause additional discomfort. Furthermore, sugary and caffeinated beverages, such as soda and coffee, should also be avoided.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
If you have chicken pox, it's important to avoid foods that can be irritating to the skin, such as spicy or acidic foods, and foods that can further weaken your immune system, such as processed foods, sugar, and refined carbohydrates. You should also avoid fried and fatty foods, as well as dairy products like cheese and milk.