What is the major risk factor for febrile seizure


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I'm new here and I'm looking for help on a topic I've been researching. What is the major risk factor for febrile seizure? I know it's a type of seizure that is caused by a high fever, but I'm not sure what else can increase the risk of having one. Has anyone here ever experienced a febrile seizure, and if so, what were the conditions that led up to it? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
The major risk factor for febrile seizure is a high fever. A fever is defined as a body temperature that is higher than normal. A fever is usually caused by an infection or illness, and it can cause seizures in children. Seizures occur when there is a sudden, abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

Risk Factors for Febrile Seizures

Children between the ages of six months and five years are most likely to experience febrile seizures. The risk increases if the child has a family history of febrile seizures or a history of infantile spasms. Other risk factors include recent vaccinations, a rapid rise in body temperature, and dehydration.

Signs and Symptoms of Febrile Seizures

The most common symptom of a febrile seizure is a convulsion (shaking). Other symptoms may include confusion, loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, and loss of bladder control. These seizures usually last less than five minutes, but can last longer.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Febrile Seizures

Febrile seizures are diagnosed based on a physical exam and medical history. Treatment may include treating the underlying cause of the fever, such as an infection, as well as medications to prevent further seizures. It is important to seek medical care if your child experiences a febrile seizure.


Active member
The major risk factor for febrile seizure is a rapid increase in body temperature, usually a temperature of over 102°F (38.9°C). This increase in temperature is often caused by an infection such as a viral or bacterial infection. Other risk factors for febrile seizure include a family history of febrile seizures, a young age (children between 6 months and 5 years are at highest risk), and having a previous febrile seizure.

Febrile seizures can be frightening for both the child and the parents, and while they are usually not serious, they can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention if your child has a febrile seizure, as your doctor may need to perform further tests to identify the cause of the fever. Additionally, your doctor may recommend medications to help control the fever and reduce the risk of future seizures.


Active member
The major risk factor for febrile seizure is high fever. When a child's body temperature rises quickly, it can cause a sudden seizure. This is especially common in children aged 6 months to 5 years old. Other risk factors include having a family history of febrile seizures, being male, being of a low birth weight, and having an infection caused by a virus or bacteria. Additionally, taking certain medications can increase the risk of febrile seizures.


Active member
The primary risk factor for febrile seizures is a high fever in a child between the ages of 6 months and 5 years. Other risk factors that increase the likelihood of a febrile seizure include a family history of febrile seizures, a rapid rise in temperature, and a low temperature threshold. Additionally, children who are immunocompromised, have an underlying neurological disorder, or have recently received a vaccination may be at higher risk for a febrile seizure.


Active member
The major risk factor for febrile seizure is a rapid increase in body temperature, usually a temperature of over 102°F (38.9°C). This increase in temperature is often caused by an infection such as a viral or bacterial infection. Other risk factors for febrile seizure include a family history of febrile seizures, a young age (children between 6 months and 5 years are at highest risk), and having a previous febrile seizure.

Febrile seizures can be frightening for both the child and the parents, and while they are usually not serious, they can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention if your child has a febrile seizure, as your doctor may need to perform further tests to identify the cause of the fever. Additionally, your doctor may recommend medications to help control the fever and reduce the risk of future seizures.


Active member
Febrile seizures are a convulsive disorder that occurs in children under the age of five, with the primary risk factor being a high fever. Other risk factors include a family history of febrile seizures, a young age at the time of the first seizure, and a rapid rise in body temperature. Additionally, certain viruses can increase the risk of developing a febrile seizure, such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, and rotavirus. Additionally, a recent vaccination can also increase the risk. To reduce the risk of febrile seizures, it is important to monitor a child's temperature and provide prompt medical attention if a high fever is present.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Febrile seizures are most commonly caused by a rapid rise in body temperature, usually due to viral illnesses such as the flu or chickenpox. The primary risk factor for febrile seizures is a family history of the condition, as it is often passed down genetically. In addition, younger children are more susceptible to febrile seizures than older children, with the highest risk occurring between the ages of six months and three years.