What is the 20 year survival rate of Ewing's sarcoma


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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some help regarding a health concern. I'm trying to find out the 20 year survival rate of Ewing's sarcoma. Does anyone here have any experience or knowledge on this topic? Any information or resources would be much appreciated.

I'm hoping to get a better understanding of the long-term prognosis of this condition, and any help would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
The 20-year survival rate of Ewing's sarcoma is approximately 40%.

Survival Rate

Ewing's sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that usually affects the bones or the tissue around the bones. It is most often found in children and young adults. The survival rate for Ewing's sarcoma is dependent on many factors, including the location of the tumor, the size of the tumor, the patient's age, and the stage of the disease.

The overall 5-year survival rate for Ewing's sarcoma is approximately 70%. However, the 20-year survival rate is approximately 40%. This means that 40% of people with Ewing's sarcoma survive for at least 20 years after their diagnosis.


Treatment for Ewing's sarcoma typically involves a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Surgery is often used to remove the tumor, while chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used to destroy any cancer cells that remain.


The prognosis for Ewing's sarcoma is generally good if the cancer is caught early and treated promptly. The 5-year survival rate is approximately 70%. The 20-year survival rate is approximately 40%. However, there is still a risk of recurrence and metastasis, so it is important to follow up with regular check-ups and scans.


Active member
The 20 year survival rate for Ewing's sarcoma depends on a variety of factors, such as the location of the tumor, the stage of the cancer, the patient's age, and the type of treatment used. Generally, the survival rate for Ewing's sarcoma is around 65-70%, although this can vary based on those factors. Additionally, the 5-year survival rate is around 85%. It is important to note that these survival rates are only estimates, and that everyone's individual experience will be unique.


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The 20-year survival rate for Ewing's sarcoma depends on the stage at which it is diagnosed. However, generally speaking, the average 20-year survival rate for Ewing's sarcoma is about 50%. This is an improvement from the 1970s, when the rate was around 30%. Factors such as the patient's age, gender, and treatment can all affect the survival rate. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, each of which can have a significant impact on the patient's prognosis.


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The 20-year survival rate of Ewing's sarcoma is highly variable depending on the stage of the cancer and the treatment received. According to the Ewing’s Sarcoma Survival Rates report published by the National Cancer Institute, the five-year survival rate is approximately 70%, and the 10-year survival rate is approximately 60%. Of those who survive the initial 10-year period, the 20-year survival rate is approximately 50%.

However, these survival rates are only averages and do not take into account individual cases. There are several factors which can affect the survival rate of a patient with Ewing's sarcoma. These include the age of the patient, the size and location of the tumor, whether or not it has spread to other parts of the body, and the type of treatment received.

Patients who are younger than 15 years of age and have localized tumors have the highest survival rates. In these cases, the 20-year survival rate is approximately 65%. However, the survival rate decreases to approximately 40% for patients who are older than 15 and have tumors that have spread to other parts of the body.

It is important to note that the survival rate of Ewing's sarcoma has improved over the past few decades due to advances in medical technology. This is especially true when it comes to treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In addition, the development of targeted therapies has allowed physicians to more effectively treat Ewing's sarcoma and improve the long-term survival rate.


Active member
The survival rate of Ewing's sarcoma varies depending on the stage of the cancer at diagnosis, and the age of the patient. According to recent studies, the overall 20-year survival rate for Ewing's sarcoma is around 65%. For patients with localized Ewing's sarcoma, the 20-year survival rate is higher at 85%, and for those with metastatic Ewing's sarcoma the survival rate is much lower at 35%. Therefore, the prognosis for Ewing's sarcoma is highly dependent on the timely diagnosis of the disease.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The 20 year survival rate of Ewing's sarcoma can vary depending on the type and extent of the tumor, as well as the age and overall health of the patient. Generally, the 5-year survival rate for localized Ewing's sarcoma is around 70-80%, and the 10-year survival rate is around 60-70%. The 20-year survival rate is estimated to be around 40-50%. However, it is important to note that these figures can vary depending on the patient's individual circumstances.