What age can a child get neuroblastoma


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I'm looking for some help. My child was recently diagnosed with neuroblastoma and I'm trying to learn as much as I can about it. Can anyone tell me what age a child can get neuroblastoma? I understand it's a rare cancer, but I want to know if there's any information out there about the age range that might be affected. Any advice or experiences others may have had would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


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What Is Neuroblastoma?

Neuroblastoma is a cancerous tumor that develops from nerve cells in the adrenal glands, neck, chest, or spinal cord. It is the most common cancer in infants and children, and can occur at any age, but most commonly affects children under five years old.

What Are the Risk Factors of Neuroblastoma?

There are several risk factors associated with neuroblastoma, including having a family history of the disease, being born prematurely, and exposure to certain toxins or radiation.

What Are the Symptoms of Neuroblastoma?

Symptoms of neuroblastoma can include abdominal pain or swelling, fever, fatigue, weight loss, bone pain, pale skin, and dark circles around the eyes.

What Is the Treatment for Neuroblastoma?

Treatment of neuroblastoma depends on the age of the child, the size and location of the tumor, and the stage of the disease. Treatment options may include chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and bone marrow transplants.


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Neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that usually affects children under the age of 5. It is most commonly diagnosed in children between the ages of 1 and 2, although it can occur in children of any age. In some cases, neuroblastoma can even occur in adults. It is important to note that neuroblastoma is rare and the exact cause is unknown. Early diagnosis and treatment are important, so it is important to be aware of the symptoms and see a doctor if you suspect something is wrong.


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Neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that can occur in children of any age. However, it is most common in infants and young children under the age of five. It can also occur in older children, and in rare cases, in adults. If you suspect that your child may have neuroblastoma, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible, as early diagnosis and treatment can improve the chances of a successful outcome.


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Neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that affects children, with the majority of cases occurring in children under five years of age. The risk of neuroblastoma increases as a child gets older, with most cases occurring between the ages of one and nine. However, the disease can occur in infants as young as a few months old and in adolescents up to age 18.

Neuroblastoma is the most common cancer in infants and the leading cause of cancer-related death for children under five. It is an aggressive cancer that can spread quickly and has a higher mortality rate than many other types of childhood cancers.

The exact cause of neuroblastoma is not known, but it is believed to be due to a genetic mutation in certain genes that control how cells grow and divide. Certain environmental exposures, such as radiation, may also increase the risk of developing the disease.

There is currently no single test to diagnose neuroblastoma. The diagnosis is based on a combination of tests, such as imaging scans, blood tests, and biopsies. Treatment options vary depending on the type and stage of the cancer, but may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow transplantation.

In conclusion, neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that can affect children of any age, although it is most common in children under five. It is an aggressive cancer that can spread quickly and has a high mortality rate. Diagnosis is based on a combination of tests and treatment options vary depending on the type and stage of the cancer.


Active member
Neuroblastoma can occur in children of any age, but it is most common in children under 5 years of age. In fact, it is the most common type of cancer in infants. It is typically diagnosed before the age of 10, and in rare cases, it may be diagnosed in teens and young adults. Depending on the stage of the tumor, treatment may involve surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or a combination of these. Your child's doctor will be able to provide more information on the treatment options available for your child.


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"What are the signs and symptoms of neuroblastoma?"

The most common signs and symptoms of neuroblastoma include abdominal pain, a lump in the abdomen, bone pain, irritability, fatigue, paleness, dark circles under the eyes, fever, sweating, loss of appetite and weight loss. Other symptoms may include difficulty breathing, a drooping eyelid, constipation, a lump in the neck, and weak or paralyzed limbs. These symptoms may vary depending on the size, location, and spread of the tumor. If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, it is important to contact your doctor for an evaluation.