measqu's latest activity

  • measqu
    measqu replied to the thread Why is my mood so unstable.
    Query: "I can't seem to keep my emotions stable for more than a few hours at a time. I don't understand why this is happening." There...
  • measqu
    measqu replied to the thread Are psychopaths usually depressed.
    No, psychopaths are not usually depressed. Psychopathy is a personality disorder that is characterized by a lack of empathy and remorse...
  • measqu
    Yes, generally speaking, the fat content of an item decreases as the mass increases. This is because fat is a nutrient that contains a...
  • measqu
    measqu replied to the thread What does alcohol do to your eyes.
    Query: What are the short-term and long-term effects of alcohol on vision? Answer: Alcohol consumption can have both short-term and...
  • measqu
    Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health issues that children and adolescents can experience. Common anxiety disorders...
  • measqu
    What are the Efforts to Reduce Middle East Youth Unemployment? The Middle East has seen a significant rise in youth unemployment in...
  • measqu
    measqu replied to the thread How can I test for ALS at home.
    No definitive test exists to diagnose ALS at home. However, if you are concerned about developing ALS, you should speak with your...
  • measqu
    measqu replied to the thread How is tumor detection done.
    Tumor detection is typically done through a variety of diagnostic imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, and...
  • measqu
    Question: How long does it take for the symptoms of influenza to appear? Answer: It typically takes 1-4 days for the symptoms of...
  • measqu
    measqu replied to the thread Are sensitive people uncommon.
    Question: Are sensitive people uncommon? No, sensitive people are not uncommon. In fact, research suggests that a majority of people...
  • measqu
    measqu replied to the thread How long can anthrax survive.
    Q: How long can anthrax survive in the environment? A: Anthrax is a resilient bacterium and is capable of surviving for extended...
  • measqu
    Thyroid cancer can be difficult to diagnose, as it has few visible symptoms. However, some red flags that may indicate the presence of...
  • measqu
    measqu replied to the thread What causes genital warts.
    Question: What are some treatments for genital warts? Answer: Genital warts are caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and can be...
  • measqu
    It depends on the severity of your rhinitis, as well as the underlying cause. The best way to speed up recovery is to identify the...
  • measqu
    measqu replied to the thread Can depression cause Alzheimer's.
    No, depression does not cause Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's is a progressive degenerative disorder of the brain that causes impaired memory...